How to Use Bitcoin?

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How to Use Bitcoin?

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Bitcoin can be used for universal purposes, depending on your financial goals. Standard crypto exchanges provide you with many options.

Swap BTC for other cryptos such as ETH and MATIC, or the good old US dollar, pound sterling, and euro.

Earn interest on BTC, paid out daily or weekly, while safely storing your crypto in a digital wallet.

Borrow against BTC instantly, without credit checks or paperwork needed, at relatively low-interest rates.

Sometimes doing nothing with your BTC is considered best. Crypto folks call that HODL-ing or “holding on for dear life”, where selling tokens is never an option.

In 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz, an early Bitcoin miner, put his BTC to good use.

He famously purchased two pizzas on a Bitcoin forum for 10,000 BTC, valued at the time at $41.  

Imagine how much those BTC would be worth today!

If you have purchased BTC but don’t want to sell it, no matter its price, you:

“Bitcoin is the most important invention in the history of the world since the Internet.”

Roger Ver

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